Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Crazy Semester has been just that...way crazy and way busy...but in a good way.

This semester really tests your skills of time management, efficiency, accuracy, quality, you name it. Chef David may be our version of Gordon Ramsey, but he really does know his stuff and puts you to task...ON EVERYTHING!!

We have finished off our chicken competencies...I barely finished them. A bug bite mishap sort of kind of knocked me out for a few days...had me in the hospital for a few days...problem being that it was on my thumb and on my right hand...never really realized the benefit of having opposable thumbs till you don't really have use of it that much.

its been a bit if a struggle trying to catch up and still perform in the kitchen with this healing thumb thing...but...I'm managing...not letting it get me down and still trying to perform well.

In conjunction with all of the kitchen competencies, we still have our book work, tests, homework and special projects that loom every day. its non stop...but I thrive on has been keeping me so busy though that I have even neglected my blog...BAD ME!!!

As a result of this crazy busy schedule, this semester has flown by at warp helps I guess that i have practically no down time...cause I am also doing special events on the weekend to hone my skills and fulfill "work experience" for the class...don't get me started on how mundane and useless this class is for me...but it is a requirement to get my certification from the academy. part of it is I need 60 hours of work in the field i'm in, during the semester. The only benefit i'm getting is i'm experiencing real work in a kitchen thats cool..but i'm being force to pay for a class that is utter useless otherwise for me. "write a resume, and cover letter", "explore your education options for your career", "how to interview" REALLY!!!! I'm 44 freaking years old...I think i've done this before!!! My resume is 4 pages long...and thats the highlights...give me a break!!!

ok...enough of that venting...but in any case, I have made some great friends and contacts, and any of you out there know that its about the networking that makes the difference.

The last few weeks are going to be even more crazed. Fish, veggies, and potatoes comps...18 in all to do in 3 weeks. We also have to finalize the seniors menu for graduation, since we are cooking it for them...oh...yeah...and I was elected to be the Sous chef for this event. yay me??? actually, its quite an honor to be chosen. Myself and another student are going to be in charge of this entire event from menu, costing, design, flow, you name it...we basically have to make sure that the other groups have done everything correctly and the day goes off without a hitch. To be selected means that I have the trust of the class...oh...and they just don't want to be yelled at by the Chef all day long...maybe that was their motivation..HEY...WAIT...those bastards!!!!!! LOL

Well...lots more to prep the thumb heals, I will be able to do more and get back on the ball here. What the heck kind of pan sauce will i make for my sauted fish today...a lemon curry cream, maybe a lemon ginger, white wine and mushroom...damnit...I will just make it up as I go like i always do...hasn't let me down yet...oooooooooooo...a chorizo demi glaze.....mmmmmmmmmmmm ....ok...i know...being silly.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

almost died...

Really...I almost did...
last week, I volunteered to help our Pastry Chef do an
event for 75 people. She needed some people to help do some prep for a fundraiser and it was for a bunch of finger food

Now...I had no idea it was going to b
e at a church till the day before...imagine my fear of bursting into flames upon entering the door!!!!! thank goodness it was in the hall, since the church is still being built...WHEW!! LOL

In all seriousness, it was a great event and the people were super friendly and very appreciative of the help.

I'm still helping out
at the Elks doing hamburger/taco tuesdays/steak night and having a blast there as well...hey...we can have a beer to relax too!!!

All of the special events I'm doing are awesome. Some of the are exhausting...but no matter how much my back hurts, how tired I am afterwards, how many blisters I get from holding the knife wrong (i'm learning...alright!!!), I'm loving every minute and feel amazing fulfilled with it all.

I just wish that I would have pursued this a long time ago...but hey...never to late, right?

Oh...and I'm in a magazine as well...most of you probably saw my mug...but just in is the link again.

Just another something to add to my portfolio of stuff.

I've also passed all of my competencies!!! YAY!!!! Next week I'm in the bakery...The Pastry Chef said that she is going to be putting me to major work with lots of cool baking projects with the rest of the group in there...going to be a blast of a week!!!

We get our next set of competencies next week...can't wait!

I'm still doing well on my test and homework, feeling pretty good with my cooking and knife skills...and we are all still clicking in class...its great.

Hope all is having a great time as well...

Monday, September 27, 2010

ummm....WOW time flies

ok...again...this is a long time coming update.

No pictures here...just rambling.

So...whats been going on...well...lets just say that things have been utterly crazy!!!!!

Once my Junior year officially started, it has been non stop busy from the get go.

Our Junior year is a combination of book learning and practical application. We have written test and written homework that we have to keep up on. And, on top of that, we have 'comps'...better known as Competencies...what are those?...just that. Let me me sum up...

The Chef instructor, Chef David, demos us what he needs us to far, some basic stuff...flipping eggs, hard and soft rolls, the 5 mother sauces (veloute, bechemel, tomato, Demi glaze...etc ) soups...stuff like that...and we are then to duplicate them to his standard. We have several attempts, and he is very picky. But, we have to do them while juggling our other responsibilities, like prepping, breakfast line, soups, stocks, bakery, etc. All about time management...but very good practice...well...for those that don't know how to do that.

Another variable that has been thrown in this experience. Don't get me started on this ridiculous class that I'm force to take in order to get my certificate. I mean...I understand an 18 year old just coming out of high school needing this kind of class and to write a resume...going out on the job market...looking for the right jobs...blah, blah, blah...but me...REALLY?!?!?!?... And i can't "test" out of this so I have to take this class...AND...either be working or volunteering time in an industry that i'm training for...well...the working part is an issue...but don't get me started on politics and the state of our nation...but volunteering has been easy...and lots of fun actually!

Thanks to Lynn in our class, who is an ELK. She is an older student like me, and has been cooking in their kitchen for along time...well...she has arranged for us to cook there and get the experience we need...but, it has been amazingly fun at the same time. You've seen some postings on these experiences, and they just keep getting better.

But...with that, and school, and everything else that is going on...well...time is very, very limited.

As a Junior, I don't even see the front of house anymore...Lunch crowd is but a memory now...yes...we run into the freshman from time to time...the Seniors still thing their poop doesn't stink (just wait till i come with their spam themed graduation menu)...but overall, we exist in a very tight little world right now.

Overall, our class is amazing. We all still get along...yes...just like a family we have our tiffs and our issues...but I do love everyone in there...its all the personalities and points of view that makes going to school a pure joy!

I just needed to do this quick update but i will update again this weekend with more details of some fun stuff that has been going on...for now...this will give you something to look forward to.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vacation almost over

I have been anything but Idle on my Vacation. I've been a busy boy. Doing you ask...well...

My previous post talked about my great opportunity to work with a caterer's kitchen and loved it...this week...I got to cook dinner for the Elks and I volunteered to help at a fundraiser event.

The Elks Lodge in Redlands was hosting a dinner event for all the lodge heads for the Inland Empire...One of our students, is a member and cooks for them and she offered some of the students an opportunity the help her with this formal dinner event. Several of us went in to help out and have some fun in the kitchen...boy did we have a great time.

The menu:

Side salad...yeah...nothing to exciting there...I mean, we made it pretty and all...but really...its lettuce and stuff.

Entree - We made rice pilaf, that had more of a risotto consistency...very yummy, with an apricot glazed chicken breast with grilled asparagus.

Dessert - chocolate cake with a vanilla Grande Marnier filling, with a whip cream frosting with ground pecans and orange Zest.

I wasn't too fancy...but for was a blast to make and plate. We had the young marines come in and take the plates and server the guests and bus as we kept the flow going in the kitchen.

It was non stop busy once they sat down but it was a serious blast!!! the Elks members all loved it and we have an open invitation to come and cook for them anytime...WE WILL BE BACK!

Also, today ACF had the honor of making some small appetizers for a fundraising event to help underprivileged kids with a foundation that focuses on providing training in the Culinary field. Its called the Axis foundation. Great people and the fundraiser seemed to be a success.

I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying this...even if some of these events are free...I'm meeting lots of people and learning a lot that will help me later in life as I get my career started.

Monday is coming...and I can't wait...time to get started on my next semester...I really need to get practicing on my knife skills...that and invest in lots of bandaids...LOL

Thursday, August 19, 2010

On Vacation...sort of...

So...Its Thursday and I'm into the first week of 2 weeks off...but hardly sitting around idle.

The Executive chef for a local catering company called me and asked if I could help him with a big party he had. Some of his Sous chefs were not available and he needed help prepping for a party of 400 along with some other smaller parties for Tuesday and Wednesday...and of course i said YES!!!

Romakie, stuff mushrooms, cookies, brownies, sandwiches, fruit, lemon bars, bacon wrapped scallops, drinks, break, spinach dip...and lots more other stuff were in the works the past few days.

I had a first, I was completely out of my element. He would hand me a recipe and say, "make it to yield 400 or 500" and I took it from there. Thank you Chef Emily for making sure I knew how to convert yields in freshman class.

No language barrier as I was able to keep up with all of the spanish speaking some point they wanted me to start singing with them with the mexican music that was playing all day long...good thing they didn't have Styx or chicago on or they definitely would have kicked my ass out...LOL!!!

It was a nice size kitchen, the staff was great, and the Chef was awesome in showing me what his standards were and teaching me a few things here and there about catering shortcuts.

I can't wait to help him out again when he has more larger parties. Thanks Chef Rick Santana!

Now...I can't wait to start up school again.

A fellow classmate works at the Elk Lodge here in Riverside and she contacted me today saying that she confirmed that she could use some help and I could get some work experience working at her place...I said...LETS DO IT! So hopefully I will be cooking for the Elks here pretty soon as well.

Its all about getting out there and making some contacts so that when I'm ready, I can possibly have some gigs lined up and hit the ground running...and I can't wait to get in a kitchen full time and start to whip stuff out.

Its'd think I would be enjoying the time actuality...I'm ready to get back to school!!!

Hope all are doing well and more to come...

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm a Junior!!

So...last friday was my last day being a Freshman.

I passed with a 98%...WWWOOOOOO!

I have the next 2 weeks off before I go back as a Junior...and I can't wait. I will actually get into the kitchen and start to cook and prep!

During my time off..I will be practicing knife cuts and some basic food prep so I can get a leg up on it for next semester. I've heard that the next chef instructor is pretty meticulous so I want to make sure I do well.

I'm going to be on the hunt for some good knives cutco are ok...and the ones they make us buy are...well...crap! time to get serious with some cutlery that will last me my lifetime and make this job a little easier.

Time is going by very quickly..which I like...I can't wait to get what skills I do have honed and tuned and learning some new ones will be extra helpful..."would you like fries, batonet, with that"...LOL

Sunday, August 8, 2010

one more week!!!!

Just one more week and I will be done with my Freshman year!!!!

Last week was soooooo long knowing the coming of this next week...although last week was still pretty good.

A lot went last week.

At the beginning of the semester, we were put into groups and ask to select a topic and organize a field trip and prepare to do an hour long presentation at the end of the semester on this topic...our group had Organics...we had to give our presentation this last Wednesday.

By the way...after having had a tour of an organic farm, and learning everything I did, and everything I tasted...its very, very hard to buy produce from the store now.

In any case...we gave our presentation and it went very, very well. We were able to get organic produce donated and we did taste tests against store bought food and clearly the organic won...I also made a fresh salsa with the organic was great and nothing was left!

Also, on Tuesday, we had an opportunity to attend and help with the national ACF convention. the whole freshman class got to go and help in various areas of the conference. I got to assist Chef Della Gosset... ... in her demo of pastries in front of over 100 chefs from around the world...SHE WAS AWESOME!!! Click on the link and her picture is on the homepage. I learned so much working with her...and she gave me a hat for helping her.

the conference was pretty good...a sea of white chef coats all over the place. Got lots of free stuff from the trade show too...if anyone has been at a trade will know what I mean.

Now...upcoming weeks events:

CPR training on Monday
Two more days of service
Thursday - help with Senior graduation
Friday - Final.

Overall, things are going real well. I will be studying hard for the final and then looking forward to having two weeks off before returning as a Junior.

As a Junior, I will get into the kitchen and actually start cooking...basic stuff of course...I will have a semester of "Competencies" where I need to cook a series of items to the Chefs standards. Sauces, cooking rice, knife cutting skills...etc. I will be practicing some of that stuff during my two weeks off...just to get a head start.

But, as a Junior, I will be on Breakfast come on in in September and get some great breakfast cooked by us...if you like it...its cause I was making it...if not...then i wasn't my shift...LOL

Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm soooo ready to be a Junior...

So...what happens when you start to approach the end of your freshman semester and the rest of the class is just as anxious to move on and bored...


This is our "86" board.

During service, when we run out of an item, we post the items that we are out of on this board so we can let the customers know what we do and don't have since it would be kind of hard to print up a new menu during that service. had to 86 on of our was a cupcake dessert. and that is how it started...

Amber drew a cute little cupcake under her posting on the board...then I had to draw a another one next to hers...and it just got out of control!!!!

Before you know it...everyone was drawing something on it...and the cupcake wars against the cookies was on!!!!!

yeah...we were bored...but...we had a kick also...damn seniors were getting all butthurt about it thinking we were making fun of them...but we were just having fun at no ones expense...amazing the self centered egos that run around that place.

In any was a nice way to end a long week.

I have a major presentation to make next week...on organic and organic food and farming. Me and 4 others are presenting a lecture on the subject. I was able to get some food donated from a great local farm...Sage Mountain farm. They were kind enough to donate some produce and fruit so we can do a taste comparison against the crap you get in stores...and believe me, when you've had fresh,vine ripened fruit and produce...its hard to go back to store crap.

Anyhow, I hope it goes well...and we only have 12 days left of this semester and then we have a two weeks off before we go back...on August 30th...and I will be Junior!!! I can't wait.

I've got to get a menu project done this weekend as well...I had to create my own menu, design, courses and part of it is to cost out the price of ingredients and figure out a menu price. I'm telling you...restaurants are soooooooooo overcharging us...when i finish the project this weekend i will post my cover and menu so you can see what i've done.

anyhow...friday...not much planned other than studying and getting ready for next week.

have a great weekend everyone...oh...and enjoy cupcake wars!!!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things are looking up...

So...looks like things are back on track again.

It was close...but seems like I'm going to be able to keep going to culinary school...going to take me a month or so to get back on my feet, but it is worth the wait and the sacrifice.

Overall, things are going very well at school.

We are in our last few weeks...and I will soon be a Junior...and what does that mean? I move into the kitchen!!!!!

Up to this point most of what we have been doing is book work and familiarity with the basics. learning about cuts of beef, poultry, fish, veggies...basic stuff.

Next semester we get our hands dirty...literally...then we wash our hands often for 10 don't care about those procedures...just suffice it to say i won't kill anyone...with my food anyway.

I did work the breakfast line recently...and I won't comment on how that went...I will get better in time.

the past few weeks have been pretty upturned with stuff...but I will get back to updating again...lots going on in the last few weeks.

oh...and so far, my grade in the class is a 97%...not quite the 100 I wanted...but...its still only my freshman semester.

Good menu this week.

Buffalo chicken pizza, spring rolls, asian salad, shrimp fried rice...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The dream may be on hold...

So...been a while since I've updated this.

The past few weeks have been great at school...learning a lot of new things...finally got into the kitchen...well...the breakfast line and that was good.

But the past few weeks have consumed my mind with the possibility that I may have to drop out of school for a bit.

Unfortunately, I've been able to go to school as a result of getting unemployment. Well...thanks to our government, that has now stopped..even though the economy sucks and jobs aren't out there...they can't pass the extensions to allow anything past 6 months. without getting into a political debate, my plan to go to school, and collect unemployment has put a wrinkle into my plans.

I've been looking hard for a job that i can work evenings and even nights so I can still go to school...but that has been failing miserably. So...if in the next few weeks, I may have to drop out of a semester and expand my options to day jobs...and take anything I can get to survive.

Life throws its curves balls...we may not know why...or even try to understand them...but all I can do is my best and hope for the best.

In any case, I should be able to finish my freshman semester which ends in 4 weeks.

more to come...I promise...just digging myself out of a hole right now.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Calm before the storm...

Long week.

It started on Monday.

We took our ServSafe test...the big one...the one that tests us on all the safety and handling of food in the kitchen. I studied hard for it hoping to get 100% on it...we shall see...we don't get the results for two weeks. I have no doubt I passed it but you all know me.

Then, as the week progressed, we had a power outage during one lunch service...we had a large group come in three days in a row about 10-15 minutes before we closed...and when I say large, I mean like 20 and up...and they got all upset they we ran out of stuff...REALLY!?!?!?...we are a teaching academy...not your local applebees!! so don't get all upiddy when we don't have your stuff!!!

We also had a super fancy banquet to serve in a conference room in the back for 30 people...that was fun...having to coordinate our staff between the floor and serving them was a biggie...I was Captain for two of the days and when you in charge, you have to make sure people are covered when they take breaks and make sure everything is taken care of...bummer was I had to nix breaks on Friday cause of how busy we were and a lot of our staff/students had to help with the banquet...some of the students were mad that I didn't let them take breaks...but such is life.

Funny statement made to of the students was joking around with me and said something to me about not reading the book on "how to make friends and influence people"...I just responded that "I have plenty of friends thank you!" LOL.

Oh well...overall a good week though.

We are touching upon menus now...recipe conversions...pricing out a recipe...determining menu prices...stuff like that...pretty cool stuff.

Next week promises to be a little crazy. We have our large fundraiser next week on Friday. I also have my first official general meeting of ACF as Junior president on Monday night...and all during the course of next week we will be preparing for the fundraiser on Friday...promises to be quite hectic...but from what I've heard, should be a fun event.

Monday early, I have to help pick up blocks of ice for the ice sculptures for this event...pretty cool, huh...get made a funny nevermind!!!

anyway...going to relax and study on sunday...going to practice making poached eggs...I've never done that should be fun...I hope...going to have some bacon with it...anyone want to come over and taste my progress!!??!?!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 for the delay on the blog...been a crazy, crazy week.

What we have been doing is a lot of studying for our ServSafe test. The purpose of this test is so we don't kill people we cook for...I swear...I'm not ever eating and a family picnic again!

The Value of this certification is huge! It has been said that many a culinary student that comes into an establishment with this ends up cleaning up the place of their work cause of all the issues and violations the place has. does make us more marketable.

Next Monday is the actual test where we see if we get our I will still be doing lots of studying for that...actually...I'm really confident that I will pass the far...I'm running almost perfect scores on the quizzes...but if any of you know me...I strive for I'm shooting for 100%...I need to beat my chefs's instructors score of 99%.

Working the front of the house has been quite boring now...we all have it down now and we kind of look around for more to do. I think the best duty is washing of the pots and pans...reason...when it gets slow back there, we can watch the demonstrations from the chef instructor as he teaches the seniors...yeah!!!

OH...and no one is immune to getting cut in the kitchen...Chef but himself pretty bad that EMT's had to come in and help wrap it up...I almost went up to him and handed him a plastic knife and said he may want to use that...common sense prevailed and I just SHUT UP! LOL

I'm going to be sneaking in as much studying as possible...also working on the next few chapters of the next book we are on now...Wayne Gisslen's Professional cooking...great book by the way.

The menu this week is pretty cool and creative...the restaurant has been pretty slow...maybe people are still recovering from the long weekend...I told the chefs that we needed to have someone on the street with a sandwich board to get some business in the academy...and then she said, go ahead and do it...then I just shut up again...LOL

Our class is all getting along real, real well..its kind of scary...even our chef says we are a boring class by comparison to the drama she has had with all the other classes she had...oh...a prank is in the making...boring we are not...just calculated...MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Does Duct tape come out of hair...oh well...we will see...

ok...back to work...another update this weekend I think.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hail to the Chief...

Thats right...I'm now officially Junior President of the Inland Empires chapter of the ACF.

You all better start saluting me now!!! LOL is our menu and and the dishes for this week...

Pretty good stuff as always...the Seniors are doing a great job with the food and presentation.

Today, we had a special party for 26 firefighters...relax ladies! Me and three other students were in charge of helping and serving them. It was fun. They were a great and understanding group and seemed to really enjoy themselves. We were just flattered that they chose to come to the academy to have their get together. But, on top of this large party...WE WERE BUSY!

Overall the day was good...Thanks to my Scholls, my feet have been doing fine with all the standing and walking around. Dear Mr. Scholls...please send my check my home for this product endorsement!

The rest of the week is going to be real, real busy. I have two meetings after school to have a walk through at an event thats happening in Temecula...Field to the fork.

And I will have my first official meeting as Junior President with ACF tomorrow after that meeting. As my first act of president, Twinkies for all new members!!!! LOL

I'm actually really looking forward to working with the members of this organization. and hopefully I can make a difference.

Ok...enough for update probably won't be till Sunday...if I survive the Saturday event.

Monday, May 17, 2010

coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, COFFFEEEEEEE!!!!

um...wonder if you can gather the focus of this blog!?!?!

Todays events...took a test on reviewing the first 4 chapters of the servsafe know...the one that teaches us how not to kill people while handling food. And you know what...don't read this book...all its going to do is make you never want to eat at a picnic or another family/friend event!!! OMG! LOL

Its all good...I think I did pretty well. Hepatitis A = jaundice = BAD!! Wash hand often, wear gloves, keep food out of certain temperature danger zones...etc.

Best part of the day was going on a field trip to a very nice coffee roaster facility. And not just any coffee roaster. check out the link:

Pretty impressive huh? Starbucks??? Upchucks!!! Cup of Joe...Cup of poo compared to this place. I had the distinct pleasure of drinking some amazing coffee, poured by real baristas!! They do their own roasting, and taught us how to do some actual coffee tasting...slurping and all...and it was amazing!

During the first part of this visit, we got to smell, pour, smell, taste, rather ssslllluuuurrrrppppp some amazing blends of coffee.

The second part we had some shots of espresso and cappuccino...both good pours and bad pours so we could taste the difference. I'm now going to have to save for a nice espresso machine so I can truly appreciate this the proper way.

The people were great...the class had a great time...and at the end of the field trip, we were all bouncing off the walls wondering...HOW THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO GET TO SLEEP TONIGHT!!!!!!!

Even now...I'm sitting up wide awake!!! Oh well...I guess I will read some more of my book for next week.

Oh, and order some coffee from this won't be disappointed.

New menu tomorrow, and I'm an alternate, which means I will be bouncing around doing a little of everything. It definitely keeps me from getting bored.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Its whats for dinner...uh...I mean lunch!

Every week, we have a new chefs menu. This menu is comprised of an Entrée salad, a hot and cold sandwich, a pizza, two Entrée meals and two desserts.

This week:

As you can see...not only is it about great good...but its also about great presentation. We take lots of pride in everything we do here...service, cleanliness, quality...the whole nine yards.

Still, at this point, us freshman are only running the front of house and the cleaning duties around the academy. This is totally fine with me. I'm having more and more of an appreciation for servers in this also makes me more critical of what they do and don't do as want my really better deserve it now...its more than just slapping a plate down in front of me and taking my check. You had better know whats on the menu, how the dishes are prepared and the ingredients in them...and I don't care if you are having a bad day or damnit!!! LOL

I'm also going to join an organization called ACF ( American Culinary Federation). Before the tv shows and the popularity of food everywhere, this organization was putting on competitions and bringing chefs together to collaborate and learn and network. this is going to be a great resource for me later down the road. In fact, I've thrown my hat in the ring to be this years Junior President for the Inland empires chapter of this organization...wish me luck! check it out if you are curious.

I'm also getting very involved with some events and a culinary club at the academy. I'm going to totally immerse myself into this experience. While we are on the topic...check this out:

Please come!!! It is very reasonable considering what you get and you can come and make fun of me serving you in a very elegant fashion...I know lots of you would love to do that.

oh...and also...I need donations...we have a silent auction and this event will raise funds for chile and haiti and will also raise funds for the academy to purchase equipment and such for us students. So...anything you can spare that we can use in our raffle or auction would be greatly appreciated.

ok...gotta get some homework done...we are learning all about sanitation and being safe in the we don't poison anyone at the restaurant...that would be bad!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I survived the first week!

Yup...that me...can you believe it?


I took a pedometer with me to track what one day activity is...I average about 3000 steps a day...I have a whole new appreciation for the waiters and waitress of the they have to hustle.

I found it funny...many in our class that were putting out "I don't want to serve", or "I don't want to be in the public were randomly assign those exact position...while i just said to myself, "I'm open to whatever" and I was assign to be an alternate...which meant i did everything. and I had a blast.

so far so good. our class is a good class. this freshman class has a pretty large contingency of older individuals which makes it nice vs a whole class of young kids. We seem to have a good grasp of everything and we are there to not only learn, but to enjoy the learning process.

the instructors are great, and the upper classmen are helpful, so its all good...for now anyway. I'm sure after a few weeks of being with each other, that will change. but I'm there to get the most from this process...and i an't wait for what is coming up next.

I eagerly await the next challenge...thanks to all of you who are following me...and your comments are very much appreciated. I can't wait for the opportunity to show off my skills to you sometime soon.

more to come

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 1 1!!!

for many of you who know all know how I have had a mustache and goatee since...well...FOREVER...but I had to shave it all off for culinary school...soooooo...I'm baby face Zeke again.

I may post a picture..once I get use to this look...Chef babyface? hmmmm...has a catch. LOL

So...I got dressed in my chef outfit, got my books, and headed to school.

Now, granted, today was just orientation...but I was still know how long its been since I went to school??? I mean...come on...I'm in a room full of kids that are right out of high school. Well, not all of them, but I'm definitely in the minority demographic wise.

The chef instructors introduce themselves, do the normal policies and procedures stuff and off to our classrooms. a Freshman, we need to learn the safety, food familiarity and front of house stuff. The academy is also a fully functioning restaurant...breakfast and lunch service. This helps us put what we learn to practical use. The freshman will be waiters, bussers, cashiers, etc for the first 15 weeks to become familiar with front of house stuff...makes sense...OMG...I will actually be asking, "would you like fries with that?"...aaarrrrggghhhhhh...LOL

its all good need to know how all aspects of a restaurant works...front and back.

We have also been broken up into groups for our end of quarter project. We have to do a presentation at the end on something related to culinary. We chose to research "Organic" cooking. We need to visit some local farms, stores and a restaurant to learn more about how it works, the benefits, etc. I can't wait...we are already planning where to go and we will present and prepare a meal to be tasted that are exactly the, with organic fresh food, the other with store bought, canned, and dried equivalents to demonstrate the taste benefit of organic food.

The next few days we are prepping for service as the restaurant will be opening up on May 6th...if anyone is in the area...come on down and make fun of me!!! Tuesday through Friday, 8:30 till 1:30. 1155 Spruce Street Riverside, CA 92507-2461

Tomorrow...the special will be??? how would you like that??? surrrreee...we can substitute onion rings for the fries. I would recommend the fish...I filleted it myself!!! LOL

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Finally here!! it is...the day before I start school.

Its been an interesting month since I posted. Full of excitement and anxiety.

I've actually had the opportunity to participate in some events with the academy and I haven't even officially started yet. I got to prepare and present at an event at a local brewery and we made sliders and ice cream. Everything was done from scratch...IT WAS AWESOME!!!

There was another event that one of the chefs contacted me the night before that one of their chefs couldn't make it to an event and asked if I could fill in...and I said YES. It was for a grilled cheese competition in the area. and...well...what can I also...was AWESOME!!!! I the day before I actually officially start my culinary experience. I have already purchase one of my books...and have read 9 chapters in...and we don't even start reading this book for another two weeks...and the only reason I don't have the other required textbook is because it hasn't come into the bookstore yet.

Yes...I'm excited about this new venture into my life!!

My uniform is hanging up, my bag is ready to go, and I'm ready to get this life going!!!

My updates will come more frequently...some longer and shorter...but i will try to keep this updated with what happens and goes on...not that anyone is really listening...but hey...I'm having a blast...and thats all that counts.

More to come!!!!

oh...and if you are reading...spread the word...and give some comments...I could use them

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Genesis vs Evolution

Ok...I know...Odd title...but...for the sake of this blog of sort of holds a lot of meaning.

"Let me me sum up"

I am 43 years old. Most of my career has been involved in the entertainment industry. Many have said that I have/had a cool job. Meeting lots of famous people, rubbing elbows with lots of rich and famous...but consumed my soul...well...what little soul I had...thanks mom for praying for it! I almost lost who and what I was while pursuing my "career" that I really began to wither and lose all that was truly important to me.

The recent economic downturn struck me as it has many one is immune to the devastation that has struck so many. Lost my house, in debt to my eyeballs and seeking some kind of stability in what little I have left. It was very easy to get lost in sadness and depression but in the darkest parts of what seemed a black hole, there was yet hope.

The combination of losing myself and the difficulty to find work in my industry, it got me to re-evaluate truly what I was doing with happiness. Sooooo...comes the evolution...or is it the Genesis? everything that comes with it has always surrounded my life. The most vivid memories of my life have been around the kitchen and family get togethers. Ok...sure...drink followed as well...but nothing wrong with family has always been happy drunks! You know...the singing, dancing and "i love you man" kind of drunks that you see in old 80's frat movies...I miss the 80's!!!

So it was only natural that I was drawn to food and evolved...from long island ice teas to a Caymus 1984 Cabernet...mmmmmmm...I still get chills thinking about that moment.

I love to cook...I love to entertain...I love the feeling that I'm bringing joy and feeding the soul...LITERALLY... of those around me. What greater joy is there to see a smile come across a friend or family members face when they take a bite of something you created. Its amazing the kind of reactions you can get from people...good, bad or indifferent...on what you created.

Sooooo...again...with all this...I decided to "reboot" my life. I've had to rework my life to be able to survive on very not try to find a way to maybe pursue a new that involves doing something I don't know...maybe COOKING?!?!?!?

Its life presents opportunities for you when you don't even realize it.

I may go into more detail about that statement...but to sum up...the right people, in the right place at the right time, present opportunities for me to go to cooking school, and get some formal training in this new industry.

I often think that I should have pursued this in the beginning...but...I guess I wasn't ready to bite into that apple yet...back then...but now...I'm ready...well...I have nothing to lose either.

Why am I writing this...well...maybe I want to have my own version of a diary to track my emotions of this process...something to keep me focused and to continue to evaluate the whole process. It doesn't really matter if anyone else ever does read this...but never know...maybe I can help and inspire others thinking about pursuing their loves, desires, their inner most passions.

Either way...Lets see where this goes.

On April 5th, I show up for my first formal orientation for for my uniforms and knives and get ready for first day of school...on May 3rd...oh...and let me tell you...getting everything ready to go to school has been a chore in and of itself...I may elaborate on that later...but for now...lets just say that having gone through everything I have, just makes me feel even more confident that this is the right choice for me. much for summing up!

Lets leave it at this for now...

Viva la Cocina!