Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm soooo ready to be a Junior...

So...what happens when you start to approach the end of your freshman semester and the rest of the class is just as anxious to move on and bored...


This is our "86" board.

During service, when we run out of an item, we post the items that we are out of on this board so we can let the customers know what we do and don't have since it would be kind of hard to print up a new menu during that service. had to 86 on of our was a cupcake dessert. and that is how it started...

Amber drew a cute little cupcake under her posting on the board...then I had to draw a another one next to hers...and it just got out of control!!!!

Before you know it...everyone was drawing something on it...and the cupcake wars against the cookies was on!!!!!

yeah...we were bored...but...we had a kick also...damn seniors were getting all butthurt about it thinking we were making fun of them...but we were just having fun at no ones expense...amazing the self centered egos that run around that place.

In any was a nice way to end a long week.

I have a major presentation to make next week...on organic and organic food and farming. Me and 4 others are presenting a lecture on the subject. I was able to get some food donated from a great local farm...Sage Mountain farm. They were kind enough to donate some produce and fruit so we can do a taste comparison against the crap you get in stores...and believe me, when you've had fresh,vine ripened fruit and produce...its hard to go back to store crap.

Anyhow, I hope it goes well...and we only have 12 days left of this semester and then we have a two weeks off before we go back...on August 30th...and I will be Junior!!! I can't wait.

I've got to get a menu project done this weekend as well...I had to create my own menu, design, courses and part of it is to cost out the price of ingredients and figure out a menu price. I'm telling you...restaurants are soooooooooo overcharging us...when i finish the project this weekend i will post my cover and menu so you can see what i've done.

anyhow...friday...not much planned other than studying and getting ready for next week.

have a great weekend everyone...oh...and enjoy cupcake wars!!!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things are looking up...

So...looks like things are back on track again.

It was close...but seems like I'm going to be able to keep going to culinary school...going to take me a month or so to get back on my feet, but it is worth the wait and the sacrifice.

Overall, things are going very well at school.

We are in our last few weeks...and I will soon be a Junior...and what does that mean? I move into the kitchen!!!!!

Up to this point most of what we have been doing is book work and familiarity with the basics. learning about cuts of beef, poultry, fish, veggies...basic stuff.

Next semester we get our hands dirty...literally...then we wash our hands often for 10 don't care about those procedures...just suffice it to say i won't kill anyone...with my food anyway.

I did work the breakfast line recently...and I won't comment on how that went...I will get better in time.

the past few weeks have been pretty upturned with stuff...but I will get back to updating again...lots going on in the last few weeks.

oh...and so far, my grade in the class is a 97%...not quite the 100 I wanted...but...its still only my freshman semester.

Good menu this week.

Buffalo chicken pizza, spring rolls, asian salad, shrimp fried rice...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The dream may be on hold...

So...been a while since I've updated this.

The past few weeks have been great at school...learning a lot of new things...finally got into the kitchen...well...the breakfast line and that was good.

But the past few weeks have consumed my mind with the possibility that I may have to drop out of school for a bit.

Unfortunately, I've been able to go to school as a result of getting unemployment. Well...thanks to our government, that has now stopped..even though the economy sucks and jobs aren't out there...they can't pass the extensions to allow anything past 6 months. without getting into a political debate, my plan to go to school, and collect unemployment has put a wrinkle into my plans.

I've been looking hard for a job that i can work evenings and even nights so I can still go to school...but that has been failing miserably. So...if in the next few weeks, I may have to drop out of a semester and expand my options to day jobs...and take anything I can get to survive.

Life throws its curves balls...we may not know why...or even try to understand them...but all I can do is my best and hope for the best.

In any case, I should be able to finish my freshman semester which ends in 4 weeks.

more to come...I promise...just digging myself out of a hole right now.