No pictures here...just rambling.
So...whats been going on...well...lets just say that things have been utterly crazy!!!!!
Once my Junior year officially started, it has been non stop busy from the get go.
Our Junior year is a combination of book learning and practical application. We have written test and written homework that we have to keep up on. And, on top of that, we have 'comps'...better known as Competencies...what are those?...just that. Let me me sum up...
The Chef instructor, Chef David, demos us what he needs us to far, some basic stuff...flipping eggs, hard and soft rolls, the 5 mother sauces (veloute, bechemel, tomato, Demi glaze...etc ) soups...stuff like that...and we are then to duplicate them to his standard. We have several attempts, and he is very picky. But, we have to do them while juggling our other responsibilities, like prepping, breakfast line, soups, stocks, bakery, etc. All about time management...but very good practice...well...for those that don't know how to do that.
Another variable that has been thrown in this experience. Don't get me started on this ridiculous class that I'm force to take in order to get my certificate. I mean...I understand an 18 year old just coming out of high school needing this kind of class and to write a resume...going out on the job market...looking for the right jobs...blah, blah, blah...but me...REALLY?!?!?!?... And i can't "test" out of this so I have to take this class...AND...either be working or volunteering time in an industry that i'm training for...well...the working part is an issue...but don't get me started on politics and the state of our nation...but volunteering has been easy...and lots of fun actually!
Thanks to Lynn in our class, who is an ELK. She is an older student like me, and has been cooking in their kitchen for along time...well...she has arranged for us to cook there and get the experience we need...but, it has been amazingly fun at the same time. You've seen some postings on these experiences, and they just keep getting better.
But...with that, and school, and everything else that is going on...well...time is very, very limited.
As a Junior, I don't even see the front of house anymore...Lunch crowd is but a memory now...yes...we run into the freshman from time to time...the Seniors still thing their poop doesn't stink (just wait till i come with their spam themed graduation menu)...but overall, we exist in a very tight little world right now.
Overall, our class is amazing. We all still get along...yes...just like a family we have our tiffs and our issues...but I do love everyone in there...its all the personalities and points of view that makes going to school a pure joy!
I just needed to do this quick update but i will update again this weekend with more details of some fun stuff that has been going on...for now...this will give you something to look forward to.
not all of us thing our poop doesn't stink...