So...looks like things are back on track again.
It was close...but seems like I'm going to be able to keep going to culinary school...going to take me a month or so to get back on my feet, but it is worth the wait and the sacrifice.
Overall, things are going very well at school.
We are in our last few weeks...and I will soon be a Junior...and what does that mean? I move into the kitchen!!!!!
Up to this point most of what we have been doing is book work and familiarity with the basics. learning about cuts of beef, poultry, fish, veggies...basic stuff.
Next semester we get our hands dirty...literally...then we wash our hands often for 10 seconds...oh...wait...you don't care about those procedures...just suffice it to say i won't kill anyone...with my food anyway.
I did work the breakfast line recently...and I won't comment on how that went...I will get better in time.
the past few weeks have been pretty upturned with stuff...but I will get back to updating again...lots going on in the last few weeks.
oh...and so far, my grade in the class is a 97%...not quite the 100 I wanted...but...its still only my freshman semester.
Good menu this week.
Buffalo chicken pizza, spring rolls, asian salad, shrimp fried rice...
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