Ok...so...sorry for the delay on the blog...been a crazy, crazy week.
What we have been doing is a lot of studying for our ServSafe test. The purpose of this test is so we don't kill people we cook for...I swear...I'm not ever eating and a family picnic again!
The Value of this certification is huge! It has been said that many a culinary student that comes into an establishment with this ends up cleaning up the place of their work cause of all the issues and violations the place has. Plus...it does make us more marketable.
Next Monday is the actual test where we see if we get our certification...so I will still be doing lots of studying for that...actually...I'm really confident that I will pass the test...so far...I'm running almost perfect scores on the quizzes...but if any of you know me...I strive for perfection...so I'm shooting for 100%...I need to beat my chefs's instructors score of 99%.
Working the front of the house has been quite boring now...we all have it down now and we kind of look around for more to do. I think the best duty is washing of the pots and pans...reason...when it gets slow back there, we can watch the demonstrations from the chef instructor as he teaches the seniors...yeah!!!
OH...and no one is immune to getting cut in the kitchen...Chef but himself pretty bad that EMT's had to come in and help wrap it up...I almost went up to him and handed him a plastic knife and said he may want to use that...common sense prevailed and I just SHUT UP! LOL
I'm going to be sneaking in as much studying as possible...also working on the next few chapters of the next book we are on now...Wayne Gisslen's Professional cooking...great book by the way.
The menu this week is pretty cool and creative...the restaurant has been pretty slow...maybe people are still recovering from the long weekend...I told the chefs that we needed to have someone on the street with a sandwich board to get some business in the academy...and then she said, go ahead and do it...then I just shut up again...LOL
Our class is all getting along real, real well..its kind of scary...even our chef says we are a boring class by comparison to the drama she has had with all the other classes she had...oh...a prank is in the making...boring we are not...just calculated...MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Does Duct tape come out of hair...oh well...we will see...
ok...back to work...another update this weekend I think.
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