um...wonder if you can gather the focus of this blog!?!?!
Todays events...took a test on reviewing the first 4 chapters of the servsafe book...you know...the one that teaches us how not to kill people while handling food. And you know what...don't read this book...all its going to do is make you never want to eat at a picnic or another family/friend event!!! OMG! LOL
Its all good...I think I did pretty well. Hepatitis A = jaundice = BAD!! Wash hand often, wear gloves, keep food out of certain temperature danger zones...etc.
Best part of the day was going on a field trip to a very nice coffee roaster facility. And not just any coffee roaster. check out the link:
Pretty impressive huh? Starbucks??? Upchucks!!! Cup of Joe...Cup of poo compared to this place. I had the distinct pleasure of drinking some amazing coffee, poured by real baristas!! They do their own roasting, and taught us how to do some actual coffee tasting...slurping and all...and it was amazing!
During the first part of this visit, we got to smell, pour, smell, taste, rather ssslllluuuurrrrppppp some amazing blends of coffee.
The second part we had some shots of espresso and cappuccino...both good pours and bad pours so we could taste the difference. I'm now going to have to save for a nice espresso machine so I can truly appreciate this the proper way.
The people were great...the class had a great time...and at the end of the field trip, we were all bouncing off the walls wondering...HOW THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO GET TO SLEEP TONIGHT!!!!!!!
Even now...I'm sitting up wide awake!!! Oh well...I guess I will read some more of my book for next week.
Oh, and order some coffee from this place...you won't be disappointed.
New menu tomorrow, and I'm an alternate, which means I will be bouncing around doing a little of everything. It definitely keeps me from getting bored.
That is so cool ... no one does coffee like that in the armpit of the midwest. Ah well, just another reason to come back to SoCal some day! :-)