Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Crazy Semester has been just that...way crazy and way busy...but in a good way.

This semester really tests your skills of time management, efficiency, accuracy, quality, you name it. Chef David may be our version of Gordon Ramsey, but he really does know his stuff and puts you to task...ON EVERYTHING!!

We have finished off our chicken competencies...I barely finished them. A bug bite mishap sort of kind of knocked me out for a few days...had me in the hospital for a few days...problem being that it was on my thumb and on my right hand...never really realized the benefit of having opposable thumbs till you don't really have use of it that much.

its been a bit if a struggle trying to catch up and still perform in the kitchen with this healing thumb thing...but...I'm managing...not letting it get me down and still trying to perform well.

In conjunction with all of the kitchen competencies, we still have our book work, tests, homework and special projects that loom every day. its non stop...but I thrive on has been keeping me so busy though that I have even neglected my blog...BAD ME!!!

As a result of this crazy busy schedule, this semester has flown by at warp helps I guess that i have practically no down time...cause I am also doing special events on the weekend to hone my skills and fulfill "work experience" for the class...don't get me started on how mundane and useless this class is for me...but it is a requirement to get my certification from the academy. part of it is I need 60 hours of work in the field i'm in, during the semester. The only benefit i'm getting is i'm experiencing real work in a kitchen thats cool..but i'm being force to pay for a class that is utter useless otherwise for me. "write a resume, and cover letter", "explore your education options for your career", "how to interview" REALLY!!!! I'm 44 freaking years old...I think i've done this before!!! My resume is 4 pages long...and thats the highlights...give me a break!!!

ok...enough of that venting...but in any case, I have made some great friends and contacts, and any of you out there know that its about the networking that makes the difference.

The last few weeks are going to be even more crazed. Fish, veggies, and potatoes comps...18 in all to do in 3 weeks. We also have to finalize the seniors menu for graduation, since we are cooking it for them...oh...yeah...and I was elected to be the Sous chef for this event. yay me??? actually, its quite an honor to be chosen. Myself and another student are going to be in charge of this entire event from menu, costing, design, flow, you name it...we basically have to make sure that the other groups have done everything correctly and the day goes off without a hitch. To be selected means that I have the trust of the class...oh...and they just don't want to be yelled at by the Chef all day long...maybe that was their motivation..HEY...WAIT...those bastards!!!!!! LOL

Well...lots more to prep the thumb heals, I will be able to do more and get back on the ball here. What the heck kind of pan sauce will i make for my sauted fish today...a lemon curry cream, maybe a lemon ginger, white wine and mushroom...damnit...I will just make it up as I go like i always do...hasn't let me down yet...oooooooooooo...a chorizo demi glaze.....mmmmmmmmmmmm ....ok...i know...being silly.